Petroleum and Gas Safety Management System

Petroleum and Gas Safety Management System

This petroleum and gas safety management system includes:

  • A safety management plan – 50 pages.
  • 40 safety management procedures – 441 pages in total.
  • 74 safety management forms.
$2750.00 - Includes 10% Tax

About this Petroleum and Gas Safety Management System

Petroleum and Gas Safety

This petroleum and gas safety management system has been designed to enable compliance with the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act Qld and the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Regulations Qld. It can be adapted for other states if needed.

The safety management system details the methods, requirements and responsibilities to perform activities involving petroleum and gas, with the intent of being compliant, safe and effective. The safety management system also details how to maintain knowledge and competencies associated with the safe operation, maintenance and modification of a plant.

What are the Requirements of a Petroleum and Gas Safety Management System?

The Safety Management Cycle

A petroleum and gas safety management system is a very comprehensive and integrated system for managing health and safety risks.

The requirements of the safety management system are quite stringent to safeguard both personnel and the environment. A well-defined organizational structure and clear responsibilities are essential. This involves appointing competent personnel at various levels with defined roles in safety management, ensuring that safety is prioritized throughout all levels of the organization.

The management system must be relevant to the operating plant and each stage of the plant, this includes commissioning, operation maintenance, modification and decommissioning work.

The system must comply with all aspects of applicable petroleum and gas legislation and should also be consistent with the requirements of AS/NZS ISO 45001, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems.

The management system must be easily accessible to all workers at the operating plant and it must also provide clear guidance about the safety management system components relevant to the plant and its operations.

Safety Management System Organizational Responsibilities

Overall responsibility for the formulation, implementation and operation of the safety management plan rests with the Executive Safety Manager, who has the authority to delegate responsibilities to members of the organizational structure.

Provision is also made for senior members of the organizational structure to delegate responsibilities to supervisors and other workers who have responsibilities specified in the safety management plan and standard operating procedures.

With this delegation, a basic principle at both Statute and Common Law applies and that is, “where the responsibility exists, so does accountability”.

Responsibilities of the operator, site safety manager and for health and safety are determined by the extent to which they have authority to act and make decisions within the overall limits of their position.

Where the above personnel have the authority to make a general decision about some aspect of work to be performed, then they are responsible for the health, safety and environmental aspects of the work and will be held accountable for that decision.

What are the Key Safety Management Plan Drivers?

Consistent with the policies, the key drivers of the safety management plan are:

  • The legislated requirement to ensure that activities are conducted in a safe and responsible manner.
  • The moral and ethical obligations to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that employees and contractors return home from work in the same physical and psychological condition as to which they came to work.
  • The requirement to ensure that the communities and third-party persons whose activities coincide, or interface are not unreasonably impacted.
  • The requirement to ensure that activities conducted are undertaken and control measures implemented so as to eliminate or minimize the impact to the environment so far as is reasonably practicable.

Why Choose to Buy this Petroleum and Gas Safety Management System?

  • Quite simple really — this safety management system can save you countless hours of hard work, time and money.
  • The safety system can enable all types of work to be considered and managed, whether it be the operation, maintenance or modification of the plant. This includes (but, is not limited to) petroleum systems, gas systems, piping, gas devices and equipment. In addition, the system has been audited against the SafeOP for Petroleum and Gas Part B Self-audit tool by a certified Global Exemplar Lead Auditor. We can also assist you with your own audit if you wish.

With this petroleum and gas safety management system template you will be able to:

  • Very easily edit and customize the templates to create your own petroleum and gas safety management system.
  • Apply your own style, format and brand to the documents.
  • Use in any industry or sector, regardless of size or type of organization.

Availability and Use of this Petroleum and Gas Safety Management System Package

  • This safety management system package is accessible to you right now by clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button.
  • The safety management system will be delivered to you in fully editable Microsoft Word format for immediate and full use in your business.
  • There are no subscriptions, contracts or ongoing costs.

Petroleum and Gas Safety Management System

This petroleum and gas safety management system is a MASSIVE 200% guaranteed.

If you can find a better petroleum and gas safety management system package at a cheaper price, we will REFUND YOU double the cost of this package.

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