This employee health surveillance questionnaire:
An employee health surveillance questionnaire is a type of survey that can be used to collect information about an individual’s general health and ability to carry out the work tasks.
It can be used to assist an employee and an employer to determine a person’s best fit and suitability to work tasks.
A well-designed employee health surveillance questionnaire can be a valuable tool for a person conducting a business or undertaking (employer) and work task research. It is important to ensure that the questionnaire is valid and reliable before administering it to a large group where health monitoring is required.
An employee health monitoring program is a system put in place by employers to track and maintain the health status of their employees. The purpose of these programs is to promote employee wellness, identify health risks and reduce healthcare costs.
There are many different ways that employers can go about setting up an employee health monitoring program. Some common methods include health risk assessments, biometric screenings and health coaching.
Health risk assessments are a common first step in many employee health monitoring programs. These assessments can help employers identify health risks among their employees and tailor programs to address those risks.
Note: While there are many potential benefits to employee health monitoring, there are also privacy and legal concerns that need to be considered as well.
This questionnaire has provisions for (and subsets thereof) the following aspects of general health: