This risk assessment report consists of:
To manage risk and minimise the risk of health and safety hazards, it is crucial to implement control measures that are effective in either eliminating the risk or controlling the risks when individuals are exposed to a hazard.
This risk assessment report is designed to enable an external or internal party to conduct a detailed risk assessment on a process, activity or item. The intent of the assessment is to identify hazards and risks and give management the key information that they need to make an informed decision.
The criteria in this report draws reference from applicable legislation such as the Work Health and Safety Act, Work Health and Safety Regulation and Codes of Practice,
The introduction should provide an overview of the risk assessment, including the purpose of the assessment, the scope of the assessment and the methodology used. It should also define the terms and methodology used in the assessment.
The Risk Assessment and Risk Management Process
2. Hazard and Risk Identification
The hazard and risk identification section should identify potential hazards and all of the risks associated with the activity or process being assessed. This includes both physical hazards, such as machinery, chemicals and electrical hazards and organizational hazards, such as inadequate training or supervision.
3. Risk Assessment
The risk assessment section should assess the likelihood and severity of each hazard. This is done by using a risk matrix, which is a table that assigns a rating to each hazard based on its likelihood and severity.
4. Control Measures
The control measures section should identify the control measures that are in place to reduce the risks associated with the hazards. This includes both engineering controls, such as guardrails and safety switches and administrative controls, such as training and procedures.
5. Recommendations
The recommendations section should identify any additional control measures that are needed to reduce the risks to an acceptable level. It should also identify the person responsible for implementing the recommendations and the timeline for implementation.
Note: A comprehensive risk analysis involves identifying the types of hazards and assessing the level of risk to which individuals may be exposed; appropriate control measures should be implemented, following the hierarchy of controls, to minimize the risk by eliminating the hazard or controlling it at the source, using personal protective equipment as a last resort, ensuring that the highest level of protection is provided and the risk is managed effectively.
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