Quality Policy

Quality Policy

This quality management policy:

  • Encompasses the key requirements of the AS/NZS ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems standard.
  • Can easily be aligned with an organization’s mission, vision and strategic quality management goals.
  • Can be used in any industry or sector regardless of size or type of organization.
$5.90 - Includes 10% Tax

What is a Quality Policy?

A quality policy is a statement by an organization that defines the overall direction and approach to quality within an organization. It provides a framework for setting quality objectives and guides stakeholders on how to achieve them.

Quality Policy

A quality policy should be aligned with the organization’s business objectives and be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it remains relevant.

Having a quality management policy is essential if you want to implement a quality management system to the standard of AS/NZS ISO 9001, as this standard requires a quality policy (refer to AS/NZS ISO 9001 section 5.2).

Note: An effective policy statement should be clear and concise and communicate the organization’s commitment to the fundamental requirements for quality.

How to Write a Quality Policy

The overall aim when developing a policy is to ensure that all work conducted within the scope of business operations, complies with quality objectives and applicable regulatory requirements.

At a minimum, these commitments and objectives should encompass:

  • That the policy is appropriate to the context of the organization, including the nature, size and its products and services.
  • An overarching framework for the commitment to continually improving and meeting quality control targets and objectives.
  • The resources that are required to meet processes, objectives and targets.
  • A commitment to the quality of products and services.
  • A responsibility to engage with interested parties and to promote continual improvements with performance and compliance obligations.
  • Meeting or exceeding the requirements of relevant industry standards.
  • A regular management review and the communication of quality commitments to customer requirements, clients, authorities and other interested parties.

Note: The policy should be developed in consultation and with input from all members of the organization.

How to Communicate a Quality Management Policy to Employees and Other Interested Parties

It is important that employees and other interested parties understand the policy and how it applies to their work or interests.  A policy should be communicated and understood in a way that is clear and concise. One way to communicate the policy is to post it in a prominent location where it can be seen. Another way to communicate the policy is to include it in employee handbooks or other training materials.

The policy can also be communicated and understood within an organization by:

  • Induction training.
  • Supplier contracts.
  • Notice boards.
  • The intranet site.
  • Internal and external communications.
  • Performance reviews.

Note: An organization’s top management is responsible for communicating the quality policy in consultation with stakeholders.

The Importance of a Quality Policy

A policy is an important tool for communicating the organization’s commitment to quality, to its employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders. It can help to build a culture of quality within an organization The continued success of an organization is intrinsically linked to achieving and maintaining high standards of compliance with the policy.

The Benefits of a Quality Policy

Having a policy sets out the key aims and principles of a business by providing a framework for establishing the strategic direction, key performance measures, objectives and targets. Having a policy can provide significant benefits to an organization, these benefits may include:

  • Creating and nurturing a working environment of success based on honesty and integrity.
  • Providing a quality management system that incorporates the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology.
  • Committing to creating and maintaining an environment that satisfies the requirements of an effective quality management system.
  • Continually improving the management of quality by establishing, monitoring and regularly reviewing quality objectives and targets.
  • Providing the resources required to meet quality processes, objectives, targets and controlled documents.
  • Apply a high level of focus to customer satisfaction.
  • Actively promote high quality principles and be involved in quality processes, arrangements, training and development.

Why Choose to Buy this Policy?

  • This 1-page quality policy template is designed to the applicable requirements of AS/NZS ISO 9001, Quality Management Systems clause 5.2.
  • The overall objective of this policy template is to ensure that quality objectives are integrated into all operational activities, which are of fundamental importance to continually improve a business’s products and services.

After purchasing this policy you will be able to:

  • Very easily edit and customize the template to create your own policy.
  • Apply your own style, format and brand to the policy.
  • Use it in any industry or sector regardless of size or type of organization.

Availability and Use of this Quality Management Policy

  • This policy template is accessible to you right now by clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button.
  • The policy will be delivered to you in fully editable Microsoft Word format for immediate and full use in your business.
  • There are no subscriptions, contracts or ongoing costs.

Quality Policy Guarantee

This policy is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

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