This smoking in the workplace rules toolbox talk:
This smoking toolbox talk can assist you to educate personnel about legislation and the hazards of smoking (including passive smoke) by ensuring all work areas (indoors and outdoors) are smoke-free, except areas specifically designated for smoking.
Note: Workplace exposure to passive smoke can be a significant work health and safety hazard. Exposure can produce symptoms of ill health effects, particularly for people with medical conditions (e.g. respiratory or cardiovascular).
Workplace smoking can be a problem for several reasons, including:
At a workplace all personnel, including visitors and contractors, should comply with the following requirements:
Buildings – smoking is strictly prohibited inside and outside all buildings, this includes workshops, enclosed workplaces and surrounding storage areas.
Eating areas – restrict smoking or prohibit smoking in enclosed areas provided for the consumption of food or drink. Be mindful of exposure to second-hand smoke.
Vehicles and mobile plant – smoking is to be prohibited inside all company vehicles and mobile plant cabins; these places should also be smoke free workplaces to protect workers.
Vicinity of people – smoking is prohibited where the smoker may affect the breathing zone of another person or where the smoke may enter an enclosed public or private building (doors and air conditioning fresh air intake etc) or vehicle.
Operational areas – smoking is not permitted within the vicinity of any fuel, gas storage facilities or refuelling operation.
Flammable goods store – smoking is not permitted within the vicinity of any flammable goods store.
Note: Designated smoking areas should be signed with appropriate placarding to reflect the hazards that are present.
This 1-page toolbox talk on workplace smoking rules can assist you meet legal obligations and educate personnel of the hazards of smoking and passive smoking, by ensuring all work areas (indoors and outdoors) are smoke-free, except areas designated for smoking.