This emergency services contact form:
Having emergency contact information readily available can be a real lifesaver in the event of an emergency. As being prepared for an emergency is a key part of controlling an unplanned event or a hazardous situation that may become uncontrolled.
It is very important that all people in the workplace know who to contact in the case of an emergency, as the well-being of people at a work can be very reliant on the prompt response of local emergency services during an emergency. Having the knowledge of who to contact to request emergency support is an important one, that requires accurate information to be prominently displayed.
Most organizations are reliant on the prompt response of several emergency service providers during an emergency. The decision to request this support is an important one that requires accurate information so that call operators can assess the appropriate service required, the location it will come from and the scale of response.
When considering the level of activation, it is better to over-react and rapidly de-escalate as it is easier and usually more effective to scale down an over-reaction than it is to ramp up an under-reaction.
The emergency response ends when the emergency response end state has been achieved, or there can be no further effect on people, the workplace, or the environment.
Some of the emergency services that may be required to be contacted at a typical workplace include:
After an emergency, it is important that the incident scene is secured until it can be examined and all evidence collected. It is important to gather as much information and evidence relating to the emergency as soon as possible, to assist the investigation team when conducting the formal investigation.
A debrief session for significant incidents should be conducted as soon as possible after the emergency is terminated. Where people have been injured, support for both family and co-workers should be determined by consultation and trauma counselling should be provided where required.
Note: Having emergency contact information readily available can also be a real lifesaver in the event of a life-threatening situation or an urgent medical emergency.