What is Fit for Work?

The ability to work safely is important for the health and wellbeing of an individual, their co-workers and members of the public.
Fit for work means that a person is in a physical, mental and emotional state that enables him/her to perform their assigned tasks in a manner that does not compromise or risk the wellbeing of themselves or others.
There are a variety of reasons why an employer might implement a fitness for work policy. The most common reason is to ensure that employees can safely perform their duties.
What is a Fitness for Work Policy?
A fitness for work policy is an overarching statement that requires employees to present for work in a physically and mentally fit state to perform their job duties safely.
Depending on the work activity, the policy may also require employees to pass a physical examination and/or a drug test.
Accordingly, the objectives of a fit for work policy is to provide and promote a safe working environment by:
- Improving and maintaining safety and health knowledge among personnel.
- Improving and maintaining an organization’s ability to meet their fitness for work duty of care obligations.
- Improving and maintaining an awareness of the responsibilities for being fit for work.
- Monitoring compliance with and the enforcement of the fitness for work policy and its procedures.
- Conducting drug and alcohol testing if required to improve fitness for work.
- Providing the appropriate assistance to overcome difficulties that could impair a person’s fitness for work.
- Providing effective, fair and constructive processes for dealing with people who are unfit for work.
Note: A fitness for work policy can also help to reduce the number of workplace incidents and improve employee productivity.
How to Improve Employee Health and Wellbeing
Employee health and wellbeing is essential to a company’s success. A healthy workforce is more productive, has less absenteeism, and enjoys a better quality of life. But when employees are unhealthy and unhappy, it can have a major impact on both the individual and the organization.
There are many ways to improve employee health and wellbeing, some of the more effective ways include:
- Encourage physical activity and gym memberships.
- Promote healthy lifestyles through educational campaigns.
- Provide employees with information about stress management.
- Create a culture of health and wellbeing and workplace wellness programs.
- Make healthy food options available in the workplace.
- Encourage employees to get up and move around regularly.
- Organize team sports and activities after work.
- Promote quit smoking campaigns.
- Offer health insurance and other benefits that encourage employees to stay healthy.
Enhancement of Mental Health
While mental health issues are more difficult to acknowledge and address than physical conditions, the symptoms and the impact on a person’s life are very real.
Therefore, to enhance workplace mental health and wellbeing personnel should be encouraged to:
- Develop and maintain supportive relationships.
- Find someone to talk to when feeling discouraged.
- Always ask for help and not go it alone when they have concerns or problems.
- Broaden their interests and do more things they enjoy, such as a hobby or sport.
Why Choose to Buy this Fitness for Work Policy?
- This 1-page fitness for work policy can assist you to provide a structure of processes so that personnel take all reasonable steps to attend work in a fit, safe and healthy state.
- Implementation of a policy can benefit all staff, including managers, supervisors and business productivity.
After purchasing this fitness for work policy you will be able to:
- Very easily edit and customize the template to create your own fitness for work policy.
- Apply your own style, format and brand to the policy.
- Use it in any industry or sector regardless of size or type of organization.
Availability and Use of this Fitness for Work Policy
- This fitness for work policy is accessible to you right now by clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button.
- The policy will be delivered to you in fully editable Microsoft Word format for immediate and full use in your business.
- There are no subscriptions, contracts or ongoing costs.

This fitness for work policy is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
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