About this SWMS for Excavation Work and Trenching
Excavation work and trenching can involve a lot of complex engineering and safety considerations. This SWMS covers the hazards and risks with excavating and trenching work and aims to prevent harm to people, the environment and plant.
Note: If working in a trench with an excavated depth greater than 1.5 metres, this task is classified as a ‘high risk construction work’ (HRCW) under the WHS regulation and a SWMS is mandatory.
Always Ensure a Safe Distance from Edges
Job steps that are covered in the safe work method statement include:
- Planning and preparation.
- Identification of underground services.
- Excavating where underground services exist.
- Excavation with mobile plant.
- Working in or near excavations or trenches.
- Working in excavations or trenches less than 1.5 metres deep.
- Working in excavations or trenches more than 1.5 metres deep.
- Backfilling an excavation or trench.
- Leaving an excavation or trench open between shifts.
- Cleaning area and packing up equipment.
- Emergency Rescue – In the event of a collapse.
This SWMS for excavation and trenching includes:
- A risk assessment and risk assessment matrix.
- Qualifications and training requirements.
- Potential hazards and risks when doing excavating work and trenching work.
- Control measures, checks and monitoring activities.
- Actions for implementation, monitoring and reviewing of the SWMS.
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Inspections and maintenance checks that are required.
- Responsibilities.
- A consultation and sign-off record.
- Legislation references.
Why Choose to Buy this SWMS for Excavation Work and Trenching?
- Excavation work and trenching are important components of many construction and development projects.
- This SWMS can assist you safely manage the activities that disturb the earth (either performed manually or by using machinery) and which have the potential to interfere with buried or other concealed services, such as transmission cables, pipelines, electrical conduits and hazardous materials.
After purchasing this SWMS for excavation and trenching work you will be able to:
- Very easily edit and customize the template to create your own excavation SWMS.
- Apply your own style, format and brand to the safe work method statement.
- Enable compliance with Australian legislation, codes of practice and standards.
Availability and Use of this SWMS for Excavation and Trenching
- This SWMS for excavation and trenching is accessible to you right now by clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button.
- The SWMS for excavation and trenching will be delivered to you by email in fully editable Microsoft Word format for immediate and full use in your business.
- There are no subscriptions, contracts or ongoing costs.
This SWMS for excavation and trenching is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
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